吴彦祖微博晒首张自拍照 看牙医嘴巴微微张开(图)

2016-10-25 16:56:50 来源:济宁新闻网

2月26日电 今日,吴彦祖在微博更新一张自拍大头照,照片中,他戴着墨镜素面朝天,脸上的胡茬十分明显,嘴巴微微张开。

微博中,吴彦祖用英文写道:“Ok so I'm breaking my no selfie rule but I was very excited by this. You know that bright light that pierces right into your eyes at the dentist? Well my dentist thought of a good solution. The gauze is so there is a space so the lenses don't fog up. He's also got a TV on the ceiling. Amazing he's thought of everything。”对此,有网友做出翻译,“好吧我要打破不自拍的规矩了,但这真心让人激动!你们都知道看牙的时候灯会直接照着眼睛,很刺眼的吧?我的牙医想出了一个绝妙的解决方法。他把纱布夹在墨镜中间,镜片就不会起雾了。而且他们家诊所天花板还装了电视。超级无敌贴心”。


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