
2016-08-16 07:45:05 来源:济宁新闻网

几年前,函数式编程的复兴正值巅峰,一篇介绍Scala 中 10 个单行函数式代码的博文在网上走红。很快地,一系列使用其他语言实现这些单行代码的文章也随之出现,比如Haskell,Ruby,Groovy,Clojure,python,C#,F#,CoffeeScript。


震惊小伙伴的单行代码●Erlang 篇

1. 让列表中的每个元素都乘以2

[X * 2 X - lists:seq (1, 11)].

2. 求列表中的所有元素之和

lists:sum (lists:seq (1, 1001)).

3. 判断一个字符串中是否存在某些词

Wordslist = ["scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "typesafe"].Tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt".[lists:member (S, Wordslist) S - string:tokens (Tweet, " ")].

4. 读取文件

file:read_file ("ten_one_liners.erl").

5. 祝你生日快乐!

["Happy Birthday " ++ case X of 2 - "dear Robert"; _ - "You" end X - lists:seq (1, 4)].

6. 过滤列表中的数值

[X X - lists:seq (40, 60), X = 50].

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

inets:start () .xmerl_scan:string (element (3, element (2, httpc:request ("http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=erlang")))).

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

lists:min (lists:seq (1, 10)) .lists:max (lists:seq (1, 10)).

9. 并行处理

[spawn (fun () - io:format ("~w~n", [X * 2]) end) X - lists:seq (1, 10)].

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

N = 50.[X X - lists:usort (lists:seq (2, N + 1)), not lists:member (X, lists:usort ([(p * F) p - lists:seq (2, round (math:pow (N, 0.5)) + 2), F - lists:seq (2, round (N / p))]))].

震惊小伙伴的单行代码●CoffeeScript 篇

1. 让列表中的每个元素都乘以2

[1..10].map (i) - i*2

i * 2 for i in [1..10]

2. 求列表中的所有元素之和

[1..1000].reduce (t, s) - t + s

(reduce == reduceLeft, reduceRight 也可以)

3. 判断一个字符串中是否存在某些词

wordList = ["coffeescript", "eko", "play framework", "and stuff", "falsy"]tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about javascript and stuff."wordList.some (word) - ~tweet.indexOf word


wordList.filter (word) - ~tweet.indexOf word

~ is not a special operator in CoffeeScript, just a dirty trick. It is the bitwise NOT operator, which inverts the bits of its operand. In practice it equates to -x-1. Here it works on the basis that we want to check for an index greater than -1, and -(-1)-1 == 0 evaluates to false.

4. 读取文件

fs.readFile 'data.txt', (err, data) - fileText = data


fileText = fs.readFileSync ('data.txt') .toString ()

In node.js land this is only acceptable for application start-up routines. You should use the async version in your code.

5. 祝你生日快乐!

[1..4].map (i) - console.log "Happy Birthday " + (if i is 3 then "dear Robert" else "to You")


console.log "Happy Birthday #{if i is 3 then "dear Robert" else "to You"}" for i in [1..4]

6. 过滤列表中的数值

(if score 60 then (passed or passed = []) else (failed or failed = [])) .push score for score in [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90]


[passed, failed] = [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90].reduce ((p,c,i) - p[+(c 60)].push c; p), [[],[]]

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

这里用 json 代替 XML:

request.get { uri:'path/to/api.json', json: true }, (err, r, body) - results = body

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

Math.max.apply @, [14, 35, -7, 46, 98] # 98Math.min.apply @, [14, 35, -7, 46, 98] # -7

9. 并行处理

Not there yet. You can create child processes on your own and communicate with them, or use the WebWorkers ApI implementation. Skipping over.

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法


sieve = (num) - numbers = [2..num] while ((pos = numbers[0]) * pos) = num delete numbers[i] for n, i in numbers by pos numbers.shift () numbers.indexOf (num) -1


primes = []primes.push i for i in [2..100] when not (j for j in primes when i % j == 0) .length


(n) - (p.push i for i in [2..n] when not (j for j in (p or p=[]) when i%j == 0)[0]) and n in p
(n) - (p.push i for i in [2..n] when !(p or p=[]) .some ((j) -


1. 让列表中的每个元素都乘以2

[for n in 1..10 - 2*n]

2. 求列表中的所有元素之和

Seq.sum [1..1000]

3. 判断一个字符串中是否存在某些词

Seq.exists tweet.Contains wordList

4. 读取文件

System.IO.File.ReadAllText "data.txt"System.IO.File.ReadLines "data.txt"

5. 祝你生日快乐!

for i in 1..4 do printfn "Happy Birthday %s" (if i=3 then "dear NAME" else "to You")

6. 过滤列表中的数值

let failed, passed = List.partition (() 60) [49; 58; 76; 82; 88; 90]

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

#r "System.Xml.Linq"; System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load "data.xml"

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

Seq.min [14; 35; -7; 46; 98]Seq.max [14; 35; -7; 46; 98]

9. 并行处理

Array.parallel.map ((*) 2) [1..100]

10. 素数

Seq.filter (fun i - Seq.forall (fun j - i%j0) [2..i-1]) [2..50]


1. 让列表中的每个元素都乘以2


lapply (list (1:4),function (n){n*2})

# otherwise


2. 求列表中的所有元素之和


lapply (list (1:4),sum)

# otherwise

sum (unlist (list (1:4))) # or simply

sum (1:4)

3. 判断一个字符串中是否存在某些词

wordlist = c ("lambda", "data", "plot", "statistics", "R") tweet = c ("R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display") wordlist[wordlist %in% (c(unlist (strsplit (tweet,' ', fixed=T))))]

4. 读取文件

readLines ("data.file", n=-1)

5. 祝你生日快乐!

lapply ((1:4),function (x){ paste (c("Happy Birthday to ", ifelse (x!=3, "you", "dear Name")), sep="", collapse="")})

6. 过滤列表中的数值

n = c (49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90); c (list (n[which (n=60)]),list (n[which (n60)]))

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

library ('XML'); xmlparseDoc ('http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=R-project', asText=F)

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

# for lists

lapply (list (c(14, 35, -7, 46, 98)), min, classes="numeric", how="replace")

# otherwise

min (unlist (list (14, 35, -7, 46, 98)))

# or simply

min (c(14, 35, -7, 46, 98))

max (c(14, 35, -7, 46, 98))

9. 并行处理

# http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/doSMp/vignettes/gettingstartedSMp.pdf

# copy from Section 4 An example doSMp sessionlibrary (doSMp); w - startWorkers (workerCount = 4); registerDoSMp (w); foreach (i = 1:3) %dopar% sqrt (i)

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

##ok, this one is a little cheatinglibrary ('spuRs'); primesieve (c(),2:50)

震惊小伙伴的单行代码●Clojure 篇


(map #(* % 2) (range 1 11))


(reduce + (range 1 1001))



(def tweet "This is an example tweet talking about clojure and emacs.")

(def is-word? (set ["clojure" "logic" "compojure" "emacs" "macros"]))

(not (nil? (some is-word? (.split tweet " ")))) ;

Returns true/false


(def file-text (slurp "data.txt")) ;

Reads the whole file (def file-lines (clojure.contrib.io/read-lines "data.txt")) ;

Reads as a sequence of lines

Since Clojure Contrib has been deprecated for future Clojure releases, clojure.contrib.io/read-lines can be rewritten as (line-seq (clojure.java.io/reader (clojure.java.io/file data.txt))) in Clojure 1.3 onwards. Thanks to Aaron for pointing it out.


(doseq [l (map #(str "Happy Birthday " (if (= % 2) "dear Rich" "to You")) (range 4))] (println l))


(dotimes [n 4] (println "Happy Birthday " (if (= n 2) "dear Rich" "to You")))

6. 过滤列表中的数值

(partition-by #( % 60) [49 58 76 82 88 90])

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

(clojure.xml/parse "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=clojure")

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

(reduce max [14 35 -7 46 98])

(reduce min [14 35 -7 46 98])

;;Now both together

((juxt #(reduce max %)#(reduce min %)) [14 35 -7 46 98]) ;Returns [98 -7]

9. 并行处理

;; Assuming process-line to be a CpU intensive function that operates on a line (pmap process-line lines) ; Note the "p" in front of map

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

I dont I have a sufficiently good (in terms of performance beauty) one line implementation of SoE. I would recommend checking out Christophe Grands treatise on the subject titled Everybody loves the Sieve of Eratosthenes for a great discussion on writing real world prime sieves in Clojure.

震惊小伙伴的单行代码●Haskell 篇


map (*2) [1..10]


foldl (+) 0 [1..1000]

-- or bettersum



import Data.List

letwordlist = ["monad", "monoid", "Galois", "ghc", "SpJ"]

let tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about SpJ interviewing with Galois"


$ map (flip isInfixOf tweet) wordlist--

or better

any (flip isInfixOf tweet) wordlist


fileText - readFile "data.txt"

let fileLines = lines fileText--

or better

let fileLines = fmap lines $ readFile "data.txt"


mapM_ putStrLn ["Happy Birthday " ++ (if x == 3 then "dear NAME" else "to You") x - [1..4]]

6. 过滤列表中的数值

let (passed, failed) = partition (60) [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90]

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析


import Network.Curl

import Text.XML.Light

import Control.Monad

let results = liftM parseXMLDoc $ liftM snd (curlGetString "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=haskell" [])

-- or better


let results = parseXMLDoc . snd $ curlGetString "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=haskell" []

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

foldl1 min [14, 35, -7, 46, 98]

foldl1 max [14, 35, -7, 46, 98]

-- or better

minimum [14, 35, -7, 46, 98]

maximum [14, 35, -7, 46, 98]

9. 并行处理


import Control.parallel

import Control.parallel.Strategies

parMap rseq (*2) [1..100]

10. 素数生成器

let pgen (p:xs) = p : pgen [xx - xs, x `mod` p 0]

take 40 (pgen [2..])

震惊小伙伴的单行代码●Groovy 篇


(1..10)*.multiply (2)


(1..1000) .sum ()


def wordList = ['groovy', 'akka', 'grails framework', 'spock', 'typesafe']

def tweet = 'This is an example tweet talking about groovy and spock.'

wordList.any { word - tweet.contains (word) }


def fileText = new File ('data.txt') .text

def fileLines = new File ('data.txt') .readLines ()


(1..4) .each { println 'Happy Birthday ' + ((it == 3) ? 'dear Arturo' : 'to You') }

6. 过滤列表中的数值

def (passed, failed) = [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90].split{ it 60 }

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

def results = new XmlSlurper () .parse ('http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=groovy')

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

[14, 35, -7, 46, 98].min ()

[14, 35, -7, 46, 98].max ()

9. 并行处理

import groovyx.gpars.*

Gparspool.withpool { def result = dataList.collectparallel { processItem (it) } }

Gpars 提供了直观安全的在 Groovy 里执行并行任务。

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

def t = 2..100

(2..Math.sqrt (t.last ())) .each { n - t -= ((2*n)..(t.last ())) .step (n) }println t

震惊小伙伴的单行代码●Swift 篇


(1...1024) .map{$0 * 2}


(1...1024) .reduce (0,combine: +)


let words = ["Swift","iOS","cocoa","OSX","tvOS"]

let tweet = "This is an example tweet larking about Swift"

let valid = !words.filter ({tweet.containsString ($0)}) .isEmptyvalid //true

words.contains (tweet.containsString)


.split (" ")


.map (String.init)

.contains (Set (words) .contains)


和其他语言不同,Swift 不能使用内建的函数读取文件,并把每一行存放到数组中。不过我们可以结合splitmap方法写一段简短的代码,这样就无需使用for循环:

let path = NSBundle.mainBundle () .pathForResource ("test", ofType: "txt")

let lines = try? String (contentsOfFile: path!) .characters.split{$0 == "\n"}.map (String.init)

if let lines=lines {

lines[0] // O! for a Muse of fire, that would ascend

lines[1] // The brightest heaven of invention!

lines[2] // A kingdom for a stage, princes to act

lines[3] // And monarchs to behold the swelling scene.




let name = "uraimo"

(1...4) .forEach{print ("Happy Birthday " + (($0 == 3) ? "dear \(name)":"to You"))}


假设我们需要使用一个给定的过滤函数将一个序列(sequence)分割为两部分。很多语言除了有常规的mapflatMapreducefilter等函数外,还有一个partitionBy函数恰好可以完成这个需求。正如你所知,Swift 没有类似的函数(我们不想在这里使用NSArray



extension SequenceType{

typealias Element = Self.Generator.Element

func partitionBy (fu: (Element)-Bool)-([Element],[Element]){

var first=[Element]()

var second=[Element]()

for el in self {

if fu (el) {

first.append (el)


second.append (el)



return (first,second)



let part = [82, 58, 76, 49, 88, 90].partitionBy{$0 60}

part // ([58, 49], [82, 76, 88, 90])


extension SequenceType{

func anotherpartitionBy (fu: (Self.Generator.Element)-Bool)-([Self.Generator.Element],[Self.Generator.Element]){

return (self.filter (fu),self.filter ({!fu ($0)}))



let part2 = [82, 58, 76, 49, 88, 90].anotherpartitionBy{$0 60}

part2 // ([58, 49], [82, 76, 88, 90])



var part3 = [82, 58, 76, 49, 88, 90].reduce ( ([],[]), combine: {

(a:([Int],[Int]),n:Int) - ([Int],[Int]) in

(n60) ? (a.0+[n],a.1) : (a.0,a.1+[n])


part3 // ([58, 49], [82, 76, 88, 90])




7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

上述的某些语言不需要依赖外部的库,而且默认有不止一种方案可以处理 XML 格式的数据(比如 Scala 自身就可以将 XML 解析成对象,尽管实现方法比较笨拙),但是 (Swift 的)Foundation 库仅提供了 SAX 解析器,叫做 NSXMLparser。你也许已经猜到了:我们不打算使用这个。

在这种情况下,我们可以选择一些开源的库。这些库有的用 C 实现,有的用 Objective-C 实现,还有的是纯 Swift 实现。

这次,我们打算使用纯 Swift 实现的库: AEXML:

let xmlDoc = try? AEXMLDocument (xmlData: NSData (contentsOfURL: NSURL (string:"https://www.ibiblio.org/xml/examples/shakespeare/hen_v.xml")!)!)

if let xmlDoc=xmlDoc {

var prologue = xmlDoc.root.children[6]["pROLOGUE"]["SpEECH"]

prologue.children[1].stringValue // Now all the youth of England are on fire,

prologue.children[2].stringValue // And silken dalliance in the wardrobe lies:

prologue.children[3].stringValue // Now thrive the armourers, and honour's thought

prologue.children[4].stringValue // Reigns solely in the breast of every man:

prologue.children[5].stringValue // They sell the pasture now to buy the horse,


8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

//Find the minimum of an array of Ints

[10,-22,753,55,137,-1,-279,1034,77].sort () .first

[10,-22,753,55,137,-1,-279,1034,77].reduce (Int.max, combine: min)

[10,-22,753,55,137,-1,-279,1034,77].minElement ()

//Find the maximum of an array of Ints

[10,-22,753,55,137,-1,-279,1034,77].sort () .last

[10,-22,753,55,137,-1,-279,1034,77].reduce (Int.min, combine: max)

[10,-22,753,55,137,-1,-279,1034,77].maxElement ()

9. 并行处理



Swift 还不具备这样的特性,但我们可以用 GCD 实现:


10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

古老而优秀的埃拉托色尼选筛法被用于找到所有小于给定的上限 n 的质数。

首先将所有小于 n 的整数都放入一个序列(sequence)中,这个算法会移除每个数字的倍数,直到剩下的所有数字都是质数。为了加快执行速度,我们其实不必检查每一个数字的倍数,当检查到 n 的平方根时就可以停止。


var n = 50

var primes = Set (2...n)  (2...Int (sqrt (Double (n)))) .forEach{primes.subtractInplace ((2*$0) .stride (through:n, by:$0))}

primes.sort ()

在外层的区间里,我们遍历每一个需要检查的数字。对于每一个数字,我们使用stride (through:Int by:Int)函数计算出由它的倍数构成的序列。最初,我们用所有 2 到 n 的整数构造了一个集合(Set),然后从集合中减掉每一个生成的序列中的元素。




var sameprimes = Set (2...n)sameprimes.subtractInplace ((2...Int (sqrt (Double (n)))) .flatMap{ (2*$0) .stride (through:n, by:$0)})sameprimes.sort ()




print ("Multiple each item in a list by 2", Enumerable.Range (1, 10) .Select (i = i * 2));


print ("Sum a list of numbers", Enumerable.Range (1, 1000) .Sum ());


var wordlist = new[] { "C#", "and stuff" };

var tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about C# and stuff";

print ("Verify if a word exists in string", wordlist.Any (word = tweet.IndexOf (word) -1));

print ("Show matched words in string", wordlist.Where (word = tweet.IndexOf (word) -1));


print ("Read in a File", File.ReadAllBytes ("oneliners.exe") .Length);


print ("Happy Birthday", Enumerable.Range (1, 4) .Select ((i) = string.Format ("Happy Birthday {0} ", i == 3 ? "dear NAME" : "to You")));

6. 过滤列表中的数值

var passed = new Listint();

var failed = new Listint();(from bucket in new[] { passed, failed }

from i in new[] { 49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90 } select new { bucket, i }) .ToList () .ForEach ((tuple) = tuple.bucket.AddRange (Enumerable.Repeat (tuple, 1) .Where ((tup) = (tup.bucket == passed tup.i 60) (tup.bucket == failed tup.i = 60)) .Select ((tup) = tup.i)));

print ("Filter list of numbers 60", (IEnumerableint) passed);

print ("Filter list of numbers =60", (IEnumerableint) failed);

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

print ("Fetch and parse an XML web service", XDocument.Load ("http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=scala"));

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

print ("Find minimum in a list", Enumerable.Min (new[] { 14, 35, -7, 46, 98 }));

print ("Find maximum in a list", Enumerable.Max (new[] { 14, 35, -7, 46, 98 }));

9. 并行处理

print ("parallel processing", Enumerable.Range (1, 10) .Asparallel () .Select ((i)=i*2) .AsEnumerable ());

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

print ("Sieve of Eratosthenes", Enumerable.Range (1, 9999) .Select (num = { return Enumerable.Range (2, num) .Count (der = num % der == 0) 1 ? 1 : num; }) .Where (p = p != 1));

震惊小伙伴的单行代码●python 篇


print map (lambda x: x * 2, range (1,11))


print sum (range (1,1001))


wordlist = ["scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "typesafe"]

tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt."

print map (lambda x: x in tweet.split (),wordlist)


print open ("ten_one_liners.py") .readlines ()


print map (lambda x: "Happy Birthday to " + ("you" if x != 2 else "dear Name"),range (4))

6. 过滤列表中的数值

print reduce (lambda (a,b),c: (a+[c],b) if c 60 else (a,b + [c]), [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90],([],[]))

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

from xml.dom.minidom

import parse, parseStringimport urllib2

# 注意,我将它转换成 XML 格式化并打印出来 print

parse (urllib2.urlopen ("http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=python")) .toprettyxml (encoding="utf-8")

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

print min ([14, 35, -7, 46, 98]) print max ([14, 35, -7, 46, 98])

9. 并行处理

import multiprocessing

import math

print list (multiprocessing.pool (processes=4) .map (math.exp,range (1,11)))

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

python 里没有 Sieve of Eratosthenes 操作符,但这对于 python 来说并不是难事。

n = 50 # We want to find prime numbers between 2 and 50

print sorted (set (range (2,n+1)) .difference (set ((p * f) for p in range (2,int (n**0.5) + 2) for f in range (2,(n/p) +1))))

震惊小伙伴的单行代码●Ruby 篇


(1..10) .map { n n * 2 }


(1..1000) .inject { sum, n sum + n }

或者使用原生的 Symbol#to_proc 语法,这种语法出现在 Ruby 1.8.7:

(1..1000) .inject (:+)

或者直接传人 symbol:

(1..1000) .inject (:+)


words = ["scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "typesafe"]

tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt."

words.any? { word tweet.include?(word) }


file_text = File.read ("data.txt")

file_lines = File.readlines ("data.txt")

按数组读取时每行结尾字符都是 \n 换行符,你可以接着使用代码.map { str str.chop }去掉它们,或者使用下面的替代方法:

File.read ("data.txt") .split (/\n/)


4. times { n puts "Happy Birthday #{n==2 ? "dear Tony" : "to You"}" }

6. 过滤列表中的数值

[49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90].partition { n n 60 }

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

require 'open-uri'

require 'hpricot'

results = Hpricot (open ("http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=scala"))

这个例子里需要使用 open-uri 和 hpricot 代码库 (你也可以自己写一个)。代码不多,但 Scala 里的方法更优秀。

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

[14, 35, -7, 46, 98].min

[14, 35, -7, 46, 98].max

9. 并行处理

require 'parallel'

parallel.map (lots_of_data) do chunk

heavy_computation (chunk)


这跟 Scala 语言不一样,Ruby 里的多核支持不是内置的。它需要使用parallel或其它类似的 gem。

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

Scala 语言里一行代码就能完成,但可读性不好,在 Ruby 里可以简单的实现,但不是一行代码:

index = 0

while primes[index]**2 = primes.last

prime = primes[index]

primes = primes.select { x x == prime x % prime != 0 }

index += 1


p primes


震惊小伙伴的单行代码●Scala 篇

1. 让列表中的每个元素都乘以2


(1 to 10) map { _ * 2 }

2. 求列表中的所有元素之和


(1 to 1000) .reduceLeft ( _ + _ )

(1 to 1000) .sum

3. 判断一个字符串中是否存在某些词


val wordList = List ("scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "typesafe")

val tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt."

(wordList.foldLeft (false)( _ tweet.contains (_) ))

wordList.exists (tweet.contains)

  4. 读取文件

如果你是使用 Java 编程的程序员,这一行代码也许会让你惊讶,而在 Scala 里用一行代码就能读取和分析文件是很常见的事。下面是读取一个文件的两个例子,一个将整个文件读取都一个字符串里,另外一个读取文件并按行装入一个列表里。

val fileText = io.Source.fromFile ("data.txt") .mkString

val fileLines = io.Source.fromFile ("data.txt") .getLines.toList

5. 祝你生日快乐!

一行代码打印出祝你生日快乐!歌。下面的例子里展示了 Scala 的三元操作和mapforeach的混合使用。

(1 to 4) .map { i = "Happy Birthday " + (if (i == 3) "dear NAME" else "to You") }.foreach { println }

6. 过滤列表中的数值


val (passed, failed) = List (49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90) partition ( _ 60 )

7. 获取 XML web service 数据并分析

因为 XML 是 Scala 中的一个原生结构,所有,分析 XML 是非常容易的。下面的例子是获取并分析 Twitter feed 的例子。

val results = XML.load ("http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=scala")

8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字

下面的几个例子都使用了reduceLeft来遍历一个列表中的数据,并使用指定的函数分析它们。附增了使用更简单的 min/max 方法。

List (14, 35, -7, 46, 98) .reduceLeft ( _ min _ )

List (14, 35, -7, 46, 98) .min

List (14, 35, -7, 46, 98) .reduceLeft ( _ max _ )

List (14, 35, -7, 46, 98) .max

9. 并行处理

Scala 里有一个叫做parallel collections的集合类型,它能利用多核处理器来处理批量操作,例如foreach,map,filter, 等 这里有一个视频可以参考。

下面的例子并不完整,但能很好的说明如何使用 parallel collections 并行处理。假设你有一堆数据在dataList里,有一个函数processItem来处理它们,但很耗 CpU。下面的这行代码就能让你使用并行技术处理你的数据。

val result = dataList.par.map ( line = processItem (line) )

10. Sieve of Eratosthenes算法

好吧,这个并不是很使用,技术上将不是一行,因为它使用了之前定义好的操作符,尽管不好阅读,但很强大。Daniel Sobral 发明了 Sieve of Eratosthenes 算法,可以用来判断一个数字是否是素数。

(n: Int) = (2 to n) (r = r.foldLeft (r.toSet)((ps, x) = if (ps (x)) ps -- (x * x to n by x) else ps))

需要使用预定义的操作符,它是一个从 F# 语言里借来的语法。你可以参考 Steve Gilham 的博客里的例子。

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